Ubuntu Installation Guide

HIASBCH Private Ethereum Blockchain


This guide will guide you through the installation process for the HIASBCH Private Ethereum Blockchain.

The installation for the HIASBCH Private Blockchain and component is handled by the HISA Core installation. The following information provides the steps you need to take to configure the HIASBCH installation.



The configuration for the HIAS Core installation can be found in the HIAS-Core/scripts/install.config file. The following variables are relevant to the HIASBCH installation.


Before you start the HIAS-Core installation you should make sure that you have chosen your password and added it to the hiasbchpass value in the configuration file along with a large random number for the hiasbchchain value. The rest of the configuration will be provided to you during installation and you should update the config file accordingly.



During the HIAS Core server installation the script will clone the HIASBCH repository and install the blockchain and component software. The script does this using the following commands:

 git clone https://github.com/AIIAL/HIASBCH.git
 mv HIASBCH/* components/hiasbch
 sh components/hiasbch/scripts/install.sh
 sh components/hiasbch/scripts/service.sh

Follow the instructions provided by the installation script.

Deploy HIASBCH Smart Contracts With Geth

During the installation, the Geth console will open. Follow the steps provided below:

Start Your Miner

At this point you will be inside Geth console and your blockchain will be online. Start your miner using the following command, change NumberOfThreads to the amount of cores you want to use:


You will need to wait for your DAG to be generated. You will see logs such as Generating DAG in progress epoch=0 percentage=42 elapsed=3m31.734s, when the percentage gets to 100% for epoch 1 your DAG is generated.

Deploy the HIASBCH Smart Contracts

To deploy your smart contracts you will need the contents of:


First deploy the HIASBCH Permissions Smart Contract.

  var pabi = ContentsOfHIAS.abi
  var pbin = "0xContentsOfHIAS.bin"
  var paddress = "YourHiasbchAddress"
  var ppass = "YourHiasbchPassword"
  personal.unlockAccount(paddress, ppass, 1200)
  var newContract = eth.contract(pabi)
  var deploy = {from:paddress, data:pbin, gas: 5000000 }
  var contractInstance = newContract.new(deploy, function(e, contract){
    if(!e) {
        console.log("Contract deployment transaction hash: " + contract.transactionHash);
      } else {
        console.log("Contract address: " + contract.address);
    } else {

Once you have changed the values specified above, paste it into Geth console and hit enter. Keep an eye out for Contract deployment transaction hash: and Contract address:, when you see them copy them and add them to the configuration file. The value for hiasbchpermissions should hold the contract address and hiasbchpermissionst contract deployment transaction hash.

Now you need to deploy the HIASBCH Data Integrity Smart Contract.

  var iabi = ContentsOfIntegrity.abi
  var ibin = "ContentsOfIntegrity.bin"
  var iaddress = "YourHiasbchAddress"
  var ipass = "YourHiasbchPassword"
  personal.unlockAccount(iaddress, ipass, 1200)
  var newContract = eth.contract(iabi)
  var deploy = {from:iaddress, data:ibin, gas: 5000000 }
  var contractInstance = newContract.new(deploy, function(e, contract){
    if(!e) {
        console.log("Contract deployment transaction hash: " + contract.transactionHash);
      } else {
        console.log("Contract address: " + contract.address);
    } else {

Keep an eye out for Contract deployment transaction hash: and Contract address:, when you see them copy them and add them to the configuration file. The value for hiasbchintegrity should hold the contract address and hiasbchintegrityt contract deployment transaction hash.

Your Smart Contracts are now deployed.



You now need to log directly into your HIAS Core server, start HIASBCH and start mining. Ensuring you are in the HIAS-Core directory, uUse the following command to start HIASBCH:

sh components/hiasbch/scripts/startup.sh

You will now be in Geth console, use the following command to start your HIASBCH miner for the final time replacing NumberOfThreads with the amount of threads you want to use:


This needs to be running at all times which is why you logged directly into your HIAS Core device. If you do not have your Blockchain running, you will not be able to log in to the HIAS UI and other core components will not be able to function. Now you can go back to your remote terminal to continue the HIAS Core installation.


HIASBCH Component

The HIASBCH component has two functions:


Once you have completed the entire HIAS Core installation you can log into the HIAS UI. Navigate to HIASBCH -> Entity and click on the HIASBCH Configuration button. This will open a file explorer, nagivate to the HIAS-Core -> configuration directory and save the file as credentials.json, then upload the file to the same location on your HIAS Core machine. Next add the HIASBCH application key provided to you at the end of the HIAS Core installation to the agent -> proxy value in config.json.



This completes the installation steps, now you can continue with the HIASBCH usage guide



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